Science Museum Late/Briefing

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Thank you for choosing to get involved and help Wikimedia UK at the Science Museum Late. We hope you have a good time.

The briefing on this page is for all volunteers. Information specific to each event is on separate pages, linked from the last section at the end of this page.


If you have been given a Wikipedia Tshirt, please wear it. We are suggesting dark trousers or jeans as well.

Please come to the group entrance on Imperial College Road (map). This is at least a 10 minutes walk from South Kensington Tube station.

Give your name to the Science Museum staff, and tell them what event you will be working at (or the first event, if you're expecting to switch at the half-way point). You will be given a lanyard, and if necessary a Wikipedia Tshirt. The museum staff will escort you to your event area. Please use them as your first port of call for asking about logistics (electricity, wifi, where to place tables in light of likely traffic flow, etc).

While you are wearing the lanyard or Tshirt, the Science Museum requests that you not consume alcohol. Once your shift is over, and you have removed the lanyard and changed Tshirts, feel free to have a drink.

Leave your coat and bag in the cages provided near the entrance. These are locked and supervised by the museum staff.

WMUK staff will be setting up from 17:30; your help would be very welcome from that point on, so please come then if you can. At the latest, arrive by 18:20 for the first shift or by 19:50 for the second shift.

End of the evening

Your event needs to finish by 21:30 so that visitors can be out of the building by 22:00, when the museum closes. If visitors are a bit tipsy and try to persuade you to extend your event a few minutes, tell them that the Science Museum makes and enforces the timing.

It would be helpful if you could come to the main exit once your event ends, or by 21:45, to hand out the postcard invitations.

Freebies and handouts

The postcard invitation to our social the following Wednesday (3 December) is one of the main ways we can connect with all these new friends. Please distribute the postcards liberally throughout the evening.

We also want to collect their names and email addresses so we can say hello and invite them to other events. Please use the tablets for this purpose.

Computers, tablets, wifi

You are welcome to bring your own device if you think it will help with your event. Laptops will be available (brought from the WMUK office) for specific events. A dozen tablets are being borrowed from the Science Museum, to collect the data for the questionnaire, and for other events. If you are issued with one of these, please return it to Roberta Wedge by the end of the evening.

If you are given a tablet or laptop, it should already be connected to the Science Museum wifi. If it disconnects, ask one of the museum staff to reconnect you. They are easily identifiable by their Tshirts.


If you need to get in touch with the WMUK team once you are in the museum, ring Roberta on 07541 642 251.

The events

Click for the detailed briefing.