Office Correspondence Log/7 January 2012

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The previous week has seen a delay in the receipt of post, partially due to Christmas and partially due to the correspondence address changing to Wikimedia UK's office in London. However, fundraiser correspondence is also dropping off slightly. There have been 70 donations received, most of which are cheques with 10 or so direct debit forms. There have also been an additional 8 completed direct mailout replies. The postal pending pile is perhaps 40 items, nearly all of which are gift aid forms or direct mailout replies (both of which are slow to process).

There was one complaint from an earlier week which was resolved amicably - this is included in 'other correspondence'. It was a complaint from an article subject about his article - however, it transpired that he did not mean to complain about Wikipedia, but about another website (Facebook). We have received a full copy of his CV, which will be sent to a trusted volunteer (with the subject's blessing), so that his Wikipedia article can be updated.

As to emails, there are 63 currently in the fundraising queue. Most are gift aid requests, or reporting a problem with our donation site (for example, ticket #2011122910017046). This error has since been resolved. There are 5 pending emails in the WMUK queue, most of which are emails from organisations wanting to work with us.