Office Correspondence Log/26 November 2011

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Emails and posts in the 'Complaints' category are broadly low-level complaints that we can do very little about, such as "Why don't you use PayPal for recurring contributions", or "Why are you using PayPal at all". There have been a flurry of emails - perhaps half a dozen - from one gentleman who is rather angry about the fundraising banners appearing. Some complaints relate to the fact that our Direct Debit page had a certificate error on it for the first few days of the fundraiser (now fixed, and no private information was ever at risk). Only two pieces of correspondence are serious complaints: one is complaining about the content of an article, the other is complaining about various technical problems and worries that he may have caught a virus. Neither of them are issues WMUK can deal with, and they have been directed to contact OTRS and Philippe Beaudette respectively.

There have also been several Christmas Cards, which have pride of place on my desk. Each person who sent a Christmas Card got a letter back from me thanking them for their kindness. When I've got enough, I'll take a photo of them and put it on Commons.