IT Development/Technology committee meetings/Minutes 2015-07-10

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Comment These minutes are in draft. They have not yet been formally approved, and they may not accurately reflect the discussions and decisions from the meeting.


  • Harry Burt (HB) (chair)
  • Charles Matthews (CM)
  • Richard Nevell (RN)
  • Richard Symonds (RS)


Michael Maggs sent his apologies

Meeting began at 17.08

Chair of the meeting

It was agreed that HB would chair the meeting

Minutes of the previous meeting

No objections

DECISION: Minutes of the previous meeting approved

Matters arising from the previous minutes, not otherwise covered on this agenda

Nothing not covered under other items

Review of the committee's work

Committee founded to give consultancy on back-office operations; focus has since changed towards being strategic and assessing project proposals. This is the result of a considerable amount of discussion within the committee about its role. Limited amount of project management in relation to technology projects. Projects have been carried out in a generally ad hoc manner. The new project-based approach for working within Wikimedia UK (extending to technology work) will be based around time as a resource - establishing how much time a project will take from particular members of staff to work out the overhead costs. Projects will be presented to the evaluation committee for consideration. The hope is that the Technology Working Group would help applicants develop their project ideas, pooling their knowledge and experience. The means of encouraging projects will be discussed further at the Volunteer Strategy Day.


HB and RN have been working on Launchpad. Two types of content: past WMUK project and project proposals (the latter inviting comment).

ACTION: HB to recirculate the launchpad link to


The intention is to get the VLE and training portal ready for the Volunteer Strategy Day. People can now create their own accounts. Only accounts with manager permissions can see profiles.

ACTION: RN to see if his account (no special permissions) can see other profiles

ACTION: CM to file a bug to get a captcha installed to mitigate against spam accounts

Technology on the board

It was noted that several of the board candidates have a background in technology. A discussion will be started on the technology mailing list to decide whether to put questions to the board candidates.

Date and chair of next meeting

DECISION: Date deferred to after the Volunteer Strategy Day


Meeting ended at 18.54