GovCom minutes 2022-08-31

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GovCom meeting minutes, online on Wednesday 31st August at 5pm

Welcome and apologies

Present: Monisha Shah, Rosie Chapman, Rod Ward, Lucy Crompton-Reid, Katie Crampton (minuting).

Approval of previous minutes

The minutes were approved, subject to a minor rewording on the final point.  

Update on actions arising at last meeting

It was agreed that in the case of a very light agenda, like the one for this meeting, discussions could take place over email instead. .

AGM review

Both the AGM and the Community Days went smoothly, although both suffered from slightly low attendance for different reasons. It was agreed that for 2023, we would keep the AGM and community activities separate, but that the latter wouldn’t be held in August.

The timeline for the audit will need to be brought forward next year, as the AGM is slightly earlier and we will (hopefully!) have a new finance person in post.

Committee and Advisory Board membership

We are at full capacity on the board, with 11 members. MS wrote to JC and MW asking if they will stay on as Chair of ARC and Treasurer for another year. Action that if they both agree, this should be formally approved at the board meeting.

There was a discussion about the (now) three sub committees, with LCR making various recommendations regarding membership of these committees which were discussed by GovCom. Action for LCR to approach individual trustees regarding committee membership, with a link to the relevant Charter in each case.

There was a discussion about whether or not to appoint someone to the Vice Chair role now that LC has retired from the board. This isn’t an essential board role but it was agreed that it could be useful, particularly for Chair appraisals and for interim Chairing arrangements. Action to ask any interested board members to contact MS. Action for MS to consider holding board appraisals, in line with good practice. The earliest these could take place would be late autumn.


Congratulations to WMUK for winning  the Affiliate of the Year award!

Date of next meeting

23rd November 2022.