Education Committee/Report of late 2012

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This is a report from the newly-formed WMUK Education Committee from November 2012. Please do not edit further below the main heading.

Report of late 2012


The (very rough) draft proposal and discussions about the charter are at Education Committee Charter.

Virtual Learning Environment

The VLE is nearing the end of its initial development phase - many thanks to Charles for all his hard work in managing the project. Charles has now produced a report asking us to focus on a number of issues that will arise as we complete this phase, and there is a wiki version at Virtual Learning Environment to attract input and discussion from Education Committee and any others who are interested.

Digital Literacy project with Digital Disruption and Demos

WMUK has been working with Demos and Digital Disruption on the development of a project to improve digital literacy and critical thinking skills in the UK. It will involve research to identify skills gaps, followed by the development of online and offline educational resources for all. The resources will then be made freely available under open licences. Martin and Stevie attended an event about this on 24 October, where Martin spoke about free content and Stevie spoke about Wikipedia and collaborative learning. Once the notes from Stevie, Demos and Digital Disruption are fully collated and written up a report will be shared on the UK wiki.


WMUK has been invited to host a knowledge cafe session on the topic of using Wikimedia / open educational projects in education. This is at the NIACE conference in Manchester on 4 December 2012. The plan is for Martin and Stevie to attend. This is a further outcome from the EduWiki conference and an extension of our work into adult education. Again, more will follow on the wiki at a later date.