ARC minutes 2021-06-03

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Draft Minutes Tuesday 8th June from 5 - 7pm

Introductions and Apologies

Attending:  Jane Carlin, Marnie Woodward, Adrian Beidas (observing).  Staff:  Lucy Crompton-Reid, Davina Johnson, Natasha Iles (minutes).  

Introductions made to Alistair Duke, Audit Partner at PKF from across the ARC team.

Apologies from SW - see Update from GovComm section notes.

Declaration of interests

Nothing to raise.

Approval of previous minutes

Consent Items - MW wanted to clarify the increase in DAJ’s online authorisation to £13k (p2 of notes) LCR clarified and amended.

Minutes Approved.

Update on actions arising at last meeting

Co-op Bank updated with DAJ as authorised user - awaiting change of mandate. DAJ will call them to confirm.

DAJ went through access and authorisation with other accounts in response to MW query.

MW mentioned a 1 pager with bank mandates - action to be added to the log. MW will send across the most recent version that she has for updating.

LCR and JC Risk Register action log - new action to plan an approach for the Trustee Away Day (supersedes previous RR action)


Review of draft Annual Report and Financial Statements

AD introduced the Audit Report Findings. AD noted thanks to DAJ for all information and responses from across the team. In summary the position is positive and they anticipate signing-off with an unqualified opinion. AD went through the key significant risks and the Audit findings related to them. JC noted a thank you for DAJ and team on reporting back and making the process clear. LCR asked if the letter needed to be confirmed by Trustees at the next Board meeting. MW asked for confirmation that the Chair of the Board would be signatory for the letter.

Annual Report commentary will be circulated to the Board on Friday. LCR asked for feedback ahead of the Board meeting so that we could sign off the final report (narrative and figures) on 17th.

DAJ noted there is a PKF Draft Auditor's Report that needs inclusion into the Annual Report on Friday. JC thanked AD for the in person meeting and review of findings. AD left the meeting.

DAJ confirmed no overages on fees.

MW asked a question relating to potential GiK relating to Humanist UK WiR. LCR said she is awaiting confirmation from DC post annual leave but she anticipates that it is correct that there is no associated GiK.

Review of QFMR for Q1 2021-22

Significantly ahead of Q1 Budget. DAJ outlined large cash in hand at Qtr end, ahead of reserves. It does not include NLHF income which will be in Q2 QFMR. NI gave updates on income Q1 and possible rationale for growth.

LCR added RG have been loyal for potentially 10+ years and the attrition rate is very low compared to many charities.

AB asked a clarification question relating to judgment WiR and GiK which LCR took up and explained. DAJ responded to AB's question on Gift Aid. LCR and DAJ responded to a Staff Time Reporting query from AB.


Transfer from Unity to Shawbrook in June which DAJ and MW have discussed and will be scheduled over a number of days in compliance with transfer limits.

Risks Register

JC invited LCR to talk to any risks that had changed, plus major (red) risks.

LCR confirmed that the Crisis Communication Plan had been updated. NI will resend to MW.

Point 11 risk is reduced, as the board has agreed to LCR's proposal to create a Designated Fund.

Point 16 LCR mitigation of APG reduction. The Community Resources Team has been working on a grants relaunch to be implemented in July. Key area of risk will be implementation of regional grants committees drawn from movement, this could reduce the impact as we have built positive relationships with current team members. JC asked for commentary to be enhanced to reflect this information.

JC clarified that we are deleting the risk that is currently listed between 25 and 26, as this is essentially a duplicate of 11. LCR confirmed that was the case and deleted this point during the meeting. Discussion on point 21 and banking. Risk ‘owner’ amended from MW to JC.

Update from GovCom

Susan Williams has resigned her position from ARC and we formally note our thanks for participation in meetings. LCR will send a card of thanks.

AGM was the primary focus for the last meeting, looking at draft resolutions and proposed agenda. Trustee elections and communications around this were discussed. LCR noted that GovCom wants younger potential trustees to be encouraged. Honorary Membership was discussed and a similar approach to last year was agreed for a maximum of 2/3 new Honorary Members. Question about ‘value’ and acknowledgement of this approach.

Approval for the voting mechanism for the AGM will come to the next Board meeting.  

LCR outlined a potential further amendment to the Trustee Code of Conduct, which will be brought to the September meetings. There was a discussion of the response to the Chair of Board recruitment announcement on the WMUK mailing list, which led to a broader discussion about the list and how it’s used. LCR shared that there were a number of strong candidates for the Chair role, with interviews set for Monday 14th June.

Date of the next meeting: Thursday 2nd September, 5 - 7pm